VDC Lunchroom COVID-19 close contact


We have been informed that another employee has tested positive for COVID-19.  The individual, a trades employee at VDC, was last at work on Wednesday, November 25.  They are now self-isolating at home, and we wish them well in their recovery.

Through our contact tracing process, our Wellness team have informed six other employees that they may be considered at risk of exposure through close contact and they are also now self-isolating as a precaution while awaiting PHO determination.  Close contact is defined by Public Health as an individual who has had close contact with another person within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more in a day.  The close contact in this case occurred in two exposure events when the individual and other employees were together during their lunchroom coffee and lunch breaks, and a team meeting. In both these situations, physical distancing was not fully observed, and masks were not worn at all times when in close contact.

This latest case is concerning, and the importance of physical distancing cannot be stressed enough. Last week I informed you of a Seaspan employee who had tested positive for COVID-19 and had also potentially exposed others through close contact in the lunchroom. I know how hard it is to stay apart and masked. We are social creatures and a big part of our job enjoyment is related to connecting with those we work with. We all need to take breaks, eat and drink to remain fit for work, but I must stress how vital it is to keep your distance of at least 6 feet from your coworkers at these times, especially when your mask is removed. Physical distancing, mask wearing, and hand sanitizing are the three most effective things we can all do to reduce the spread of the virus. I encourage you to speak up if you feel others are too close to you, or if you think a coworker is not taking the correct and necessary precautions to stay safe.

As a reminder, quick action when you are experiencing any symptoms is vital. Stay home, advise your supervisor and seek appropriate medical attention. If you are concerned or have any questions, please contact Tina Craig, Manager of Seaspan Wellness (w: 604-990-3316; c: 778-874-4438; e:[email protected]).

Thank you for your continued attention to your own and others’ safety.



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