Leadership and Community
We understand that our company operates in environmentally sensitive and populated areas. We respect that the public and community at large are interested in how we are managing our environmental aspects, and we aim to respond to public concerns in the most effective manner. Below we demonstrate some of our environmental stewardship and awareness initiatives, including recognition we have received from the local community for our efforts.
Ways We Serve
Care for our Marine Environment
Participation in the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Seaspan has hosted annual employee, community, and family shoreline cleanup events on various BC beaches and waterways. Seaspan volunteers and their families are proud to have joined the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, a conservation initiative that encourages people across Canada to remove shoreline litter to help create healthy waters for everyone, including the wildlife and communities that depend on them.
Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO)
Seaspan participates in the Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program which is led by the Port of Vancouver. This program focuses on reducing the impact of shipping activities on whales throughout the southern coast of BC. Seaspan’s efforts under the ECHO program include measurements of our vessel noise signatures and assessing noise reduction benefits of effective vessel maintenance, efficient design, and speed alterations.
MacKay Creek Restoration Project
Seaspan has a long history of environmental and community stewardship in the MacKay Creek estuary. Work has included a dam removal, building of a salmon rearing channel, invasive species removal, and various shoreline cleanups. Seaspan was recognized for this work and other stewardship activities with an Environmental Stewardship Award from the City of North Vancouver.
Other Environmental Awareness Initiatives:
- Bike to Work Week – hundreds of our employees participate in bike-to-work week, benefiting their health and the environment!
- Idle-Free Zone signage posted in our shipyards and marine terminals to reduce air emissions
- Implemented a storm drain marking program using fish stencils on our shipyards in an effort to promote awareness and prevent deleterious substance release to the marine environment
- Deployed ‘Turn-it-Off’ stickers and printing reduction posters across the company to raise energy consumption awareness

Community Giving
Give Today for Tomorrow
As a long-serving member of BC’s maritime community, Seaspan has a proud history of giving in our communities. We believe that by investing today in the communities where we live and work, we can make a real difference tomorrow. Our charitable giving program is direct, hands-on, and local, empowering individuals, charitable organizations and our Seaspan team to put our core value of care into action for the benefit of future generations.
Our corporate giving priorities reflect our commitment to being a good corporate neighbour and finding solutions for the issues that matter most:
Seaspan works with community organizations that provide a hand-up to those in need and supports programs that are focused on youth and education.
We support organizations to contribute to safe, healthy, and diverse communities.
We work with credible organizations that take a collaborative and science-based approach toward policy, education and protecting the environment.
Sponsorship and Donation Requests
We would like to thank you for the opportunity to become involved with your organization. As Seaspan receives many donation and sponsorship requests every year, all requests will be reviewed to ensure it meets our corporate giving criteria. Unfortunately, we sometimes have to decline participation in a great program or event because it is outside of our area of focus or because we have already committed our budget.