We have become aware of a new positive COVID-19 case with an employee at Vancouver Drydock. The individual was last at VDC on Tuesday, September 22, and, thankfully and responsibly, left work immediately when they started experiencing symptoms. It is this type of individual action and accountability that enable us to respond swiftly and to minimize further risk of transmission. Employees that were potentially in close contact with this person have been identified and notified.
This latest positive COVID-19 case is unrelated to previously announced positive COVID cases at VDC. Nevertheless, we are taking added measures to ensure we are maintaining a safe work environment for all. The impacted work areas have already been thoroughly sanitized, and a deep cleaning of all work areas at Vancouver Drydock will take place this weekend.
It’s important that we once again adapt and adjust to the changing reality of the pandemic. In BC, daily new coronavirus cases are higher now than they were in March and April. Public health officials expected to see a rise in cases once school was back, as more family members increase their contact with others in the community. What this means is that we are at a greater risk than ever of COVID-19 being introduced into our workplace – and this is what we are seeing now.
Our top priority remains the health and safety of our employees. We are following guidance of public health officials and our medical consultant to maintain a safe workplace at all our sites and we will continue to respond and adapt as the realities of the pandemic shift over time.
At the end of the day, it is up to each one of us to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We all need to be vigilant against this virus – not only when we are at work, but also when we are at home or in our communities with family and friends. Things like:
- Staying at home when you’re sick, even if your symptoms are mild.
- Keeping a physical distance of at least two metres (six feet) from co-workers and others not living in your household. This is the single most effective way to prevent acquiring the virus yourself or transmitting the virus to others when you are outside of your home.
- Washing your hands frequently with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Wearing a mask if it’s not possible to keep the minimum two-metre distance.
As I have said before, I am committed to communicating new information, including new cases, as frequently as needed and as transparently as possible while respecting individual privacy. My thoughts are with all of those self-isolating at home and we wish them all rapid recovery.
If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness or feeling unwell, stay home, advise your supervisor and seek appropriate medical attention. If you are concerned or have any questions, please contact Tina Craig, Manager of Seaspan Wellness (w: 604-990-3316; c: 778-874-4438; e: [email protected]).
Have a safe and restful weekend,
Teamwork Builds Ships