September 9, 2023
A summer seasonal ecology centre is currently up and running at the waterfront of Prince Rupert thanks in part to support from Seaspan. Featuring local marine animals, wildlife skeleton exhibits, and more, the centre is fully equipped for a fin-tastic family experience.
The North Coast Ecology Centre Society (NCECS) created a temporary, seasonal centre in hopes of creating a larger, permanent educational centre for the local community. Driven by board members and volunteers, the NCECS is a non-profit organization whose mission is to highlight the region’s ecological abundance. The seasonal centre is merely the first phase to reaching this overarching mission.
As visitors enter the centre, they are welcomed to enjoy the nine unique saltwater tanks, touch a sea star, measure a humpback skull, and explore the tiniest organisms in our ocean through a microscope. The ecology centre creates an exciting, fun and educational space for the Prince Rupert community.
Just under 2500 visitors have entered the North Coast Ecology Centre doors so far this summer. “We’ve had the opportunity to engage local families with education in the unique ecology that surrounds us here in Prince Rupert and on the North Coast. Seaspan has been a key contributor to the North Coast Ecology Centre, providing funds to assist with the purchase and set up of our containers and displays,” said Sandra Penner, NCECS Board Chair.
“We are delighted to celebrate the ecological richness of these waters that we are fortunate to operate on in partnership with the Gitxaala Nation,” said Peter Lister, Senior Vice President, Commercial and Business Development, Seaspan Marine Transportation.
To learn more about NCECS and their initiatives, visit